Saturday, December 15, 2007

4 semesters down 6 to go!!! another lovely semester goes by at good ole' Mercy. finals ended today, pediatrics and PT assessment are in the bucket. time to relax until new year. you know what that means...Call of Duty 4-24/7, woo hoo!!!

but in celebration of finals ending. i present to you a blast from the past, one of my study aids...The Sundays!!!! wish they would get back together.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I feel the same way about Assassin's Creed...

Sunday, December 09, 2007

SN joins the Cult of Spooky!!

Now if i can just get her to listen to Radiohead, then we'll be in business. Maybe if Thom and the boys switch over to some salsa grooves, she'll warm up to them. Until then, I will play it to her subliminally until she bends to my will!!! (insert diabolical laughter here)