Friday, February 10, 2006

Full Screen iPod images unveiled!

imagine if this were real? but i agree w/ the comments...battery would be dry in like a 1/2 hour

read more | digg story

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bean Spilling...

So there has been wonderful news this week...everything happens in 3's.

1. Nancy will soon be a member of the Physical Therapy staff at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. Which means that she will finally be compensated at the state average and not below!! woo hoo!!! Means that i can quit my job and become a desperate housewife!

2. The bane of my existence has ended as my student fail to recognize appropriate safety concerns with patients and his affiliation with us had to be terminated. I did have to spend 4 hours writing up why, but now I feel the weight lifted off.

3. Finally, I will be attending school in the fall in the Physical Therapist Program at Mercy College!!! I got the news last night after a long exhausting day...see #2. It's a good feeling and Nancy was nice enough to get me a nice tiramisu cake! yeaaaa!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Congratulations babe! i knew you could do it, and when you said it wouldn't happen...did i not call it?? i said by monday (yesterday) or tuesday (today) you'd know...and lo and behold...

so it is written, so it shall be done!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I love winning!!!

even though i didn't win as big as last year, it is respectable nonetheless.