Thursday, February 17, 2005

Non eventful day exists yet again!!!

i'm still a bit stuffy and coughy but was able to survive the day. all the more i realize that i must go back to school, i believe i can supervise one day and to that one must attain the credentials. so. there.

Dr. Nancy is taking her Boards this weekend, please everyone wish her luck.

since i am now feeling better, i may have to go to long island this weekend to help me mum move furniture. but then again, i may climb out there and it is a three day weekend!!! woo hoo!! and maybe i can resolve this stupid phone problem...this migration from at&t to cingular is the stupidest thing ever...i've had this new phone since thanksgiving and they haven't been able to migrate me yet. telecom people, how difficult was it to migrate. i don't remember, being lord of provisioning and all.

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