Wednesday, April 06, 2005


So i'm off today, and started the day off right by taking the jubster to the Great Lawn of Astoria Park (thanks, to Steeeeeve for coining what i formerly called the "really big field in that designated woody area underneath that structure that allows vehicles to cross over water that connects three boroughs." i will probably take a nap after this, but i do have to make for the gym and do the marathon workout, this will be the only way to avoid the travesty that is daytime television. So i'm diggin the new phone, my Sony Ericcson T637 never thought i would ever get into the whole phone camera thing, but now i'm taking pictures willy-nilly. and the convenience of bluetooth allows me to just shoot over to ole' cassie. alright, so maybe i won't take a nap, i'll head to the gym now and get it over with so i can just sit in the park and chill w/ the jubster.

for some reason, i've forgotten half the things that i'm supposed to blog...links and everything. oh well, must be the 70 degree weather beckoning me to frolic in its warmth...naked.

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