Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hey Look Ma!!! No Bloggy!!

so i found out that i can blog from the pleasure of my own email. if
i'm bored at work...which unfortunately, i'm not---but i can try my
darndest. i don't have web access to many .com's so, this makes
things a lot easier!

Did you see the local news!! some stupid bastard sexually assaulted a
young girl in my dear own Astoria Park a couple o' days ago! who the
hell would taint the sanctity of such a beloved park!?!?!? well, they
caught the ass...who left his car near the scene...what an idiot. why
can't we just horribly castrate these f**kers by starving rats and
then dipping the offenders nutsack into their cages.

i should run for public office and use that as my platform.

if you want to see the sickos nearest you check out your local new york sex offender's registry and coordinate a local lynch mob in a neighborhood
near you!!

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