Monday, September 05, 2005

The Human Race: Instruments To Its Own Destruction

or at least the "more fortunate" part of our beloved race will be ones putting us on the fast track to extinction. it's noblesse oblige on crack...we provide technological advancements, use up more of resources, overpopulate the planet and what we provide, as a first world country, to the rest of the world is...VOILA!!! the prospect of more natural disaster, leading to more human death!!! don't thank us right now, this article from WIRED really hits the nail on the head. now remember, scientists have warned us since...i dunno, FOREVER, about the impact of industrialization on our planet. so let's not be too surprised when the next "Katrina" hits FOX NEWS and we get to see that geraldo blubbering over babies again.

man, these past few posts have been such downers. unfortunately, with school becoming all-consuming, work being same ole, same ole...i can't compete w/ the headlines.

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