Saturday, September 17, 2005

Who is Harry Ha?

So i dragged m'self out of bed early enough to get Kelly Clarkson tix despite the fact that i am completely drain bammaged from last nite's festivites at tinga tinga karaoke. mind you now, the original guest list was at 27 and shrunk down to 8....but if there were so many people, we wouldn't have had 1/10th the kick ass time as we did. Oh yeah, Harry Ha is the proprieter of that fine establishment, who wasn't on hand damn it!!

first i have to give a shout out (even typing that makes me sound whiter than white) to roseanne who was kind enough to host a pre-karaoke party at her humble abode in Chelsea. sorry we got there late, but we took no time when shots were poured all around to casey who's birthday's today. had some nice pizza some wine, beer and had a nice inservice on how to use a bidet. yes, she has a bidet in her apt...i also have to say that i hate roseanne, b/c her apt. is kick ass!!! she has a backyard for chrissakes...can you say pa'tay w/ a magic mike in the near future.

ok, so back to tingatinga...i can't even remember have the songs that were sung, who sung what, spanking who's ass...thank goodness you can head over to PKNYC for pics from that glorious evening. thank you to roseanne for providing the kodak moments. man, did i drink a lot last nite. luckily, i dodged the vomit bullet as did the sexy one. we should totally do it again.

le sigh, headed out to LI today for a jack and jill baby shower, my friends al and eleanor are expecting their baby boy next month. was fun...realized i haven't seen the old gang for like forever, they all moved out to East Bumblefuck, Joisy and North Bumblefuck, NY and i'm carless, hence my noticable absence from their fiestas. of course we got down to business w/ some poker. ron and i came out winners and split the pot for 80 bucks a piece...would have went heads up, but everyone wanted to play again but then decided to go home. i was playing mad tight tonite and luckily the cards just fell into place. probably b/c my nancy's a witch.

blah, have physics homework to do. please kill me now.


Simone said...

I am trying VERY hard to erase those images from my mind.

(note to self: must-not-see-Celyvn-do-Karaoke-like-EVER!)

Simone said...

oh, and I won't even mention the Kelly Clarkson thing. Well, I guess I just did. But you shouldn't mention it. To anyone!