Thursday, November 17, 2005

i feel funky...

there's nothing like having bodily fluids coming out of every orafice of the body. so yesterday was a landmark in me and the sexy one's relationship. we are sharing our first stomach virus!!! her whole family has it and she had to go home yesterday b/c of it and i thought i could tough it out...having much experience in the vomiting department from the imbibing of spirits...but alas, the big D and V took hold and i just had to go.

all of this comes just in time as i'm leaving for boston today for a seminar...there is a lab portion where i'll have to wear shorts...this could get very interesting. but seriously, i feel a lot better, no incidence of numero tres or praying to the porcelin(sp) god...but my stomach feels funny as does my anus.

happy birthday to Purple Monkey, the blog just turned two! i think we here at the bloggy is rolling up on 4 years, methinks, w/ regular posts at 3 years??? woo hoo!!

last weekend was the beginning of poker season...i hosted the first of the 2006 season w/ 8 other folks, 2 hustlers, a sexy one, the tall one and the drunk one, the quiet one and the 2 friends to which i have no names for--the ones that live down the block from me...there. came in 3 both times, which would be good except that we only set 1st and 2nd place payouts. the trifecta was complete when i came in third the next nite at hot monkey's really sweet place near work but then lost on a semi bluff the 2nd game. the winners were 2 folks, who "never played before"---beginner's luck? i smell conspiracy afoot!!!

anyway, next poker nite is the big time game at big J's for his birthday. and then don't know if we'll have another one until after the new year, as i am quite the busy beaver! but we'll see.

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