Thursday, November 03, 2005


OK, sexy nan and i just went to see Shopgirl and i dunno. I didn't love it but i didn't hate sort of just, annoyed the crap out of me. superfluous shots, uneven storytelling, atmosphery wannabe "lost in translation" type thingy sans the charm and wit. nan likey the film. i give it 2 1/2 high-heeled pumps out of 5.

i really wanted to see saw II: electric bugaloo. but nan wasn't gonna have it.

i was irked that people were there to see Harry Potter and the Asses, err...Goblet...of Fire.

got a old phone and now i'm up and working again. weighed in the whole sidekick thing..and i can't rationalize paying the extra dough for the web access, when the technology is so damn slow. i could check email w/ me powerbook at any free wi-fi place in the city. i just need a nice new bluetooth phone so i'm sticking w/ cingular.

i am so itching to play some poker, i think i may head to LI this weekend to play heads up w/ a friend. makes me crazy folks!!! i'll probably lose.

can't believe i have off 2 days next week...get this, i get election day and veterans day off...can you believe this sh*t??? it rocks.

1 comment:

Simone said...

wow u must be desperate for poker if ur willing to travel to LI for it! Why don't you go ahead and move there already.