Sunday, December 25, 2005

BEHOLD!!! The True Meaning of Christmas!!

Merry Chrismas everyone! and if you don't know the christmas significance of that need to sit yourself in front of the idiot box right now and channel in TBS and sit there for the next 12 hours...b/c it is the greatest Christmas story of all time.

So when to faux midnite mass xmas eve...8 pm to be exact, in the church of my youth. profoundly enough, jesus and his dad staved off their wrath and did not strike me down when i walked in. highlights from family feud, a reader who was obviously going through puberty and tried to read the responsorial psalm like it was a trailer for the next summer blockbuster action movie..."THIS SUMMER!!! AND LO THE ANGEL LOOKED DOWN UPON THE SHEPARDS SLEEPING IN THE FIELD...AND...THEY...WERE...SO...


a film by Mel Gibson

tagline: be afraid, be very afraid---OH WAIT...that was Alien, wasn't it.

and i survived my first Christmas at the Sexy One's parents house, food was delish!! everyone was very nice to me and did not bludgeon me w/ large blunt rocks as i had originally envisioned...or maybe they're saving it for Christmas Day...i did notice a Spookybear-sized hole in the yard. it helped to bring presents for the folks and for the little kids. i am endorsing Target as the official Christmas store of Bloggy McBlogster

i have yet to open up my gifts, but me dad just gave me one of them...a belt and 2 gifts. the next blog up that me dear old powerbook puts up will be running OS 10.4.3--Tiger!!!

God Bless Us Everyone!!!

enjoy the holidays everyone...b/c we're all gonna be really cranky after new years.

OH wait...i need to also plug Serenity. This movie is awesome, the best of everything you want in entertainment. so forgot that one sci-fi geek on your list? get that...or the Firefly box set...that's awesome too

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