Thursday, December 08, 2005

Rent: The Motion Picture, or The Ass-Kicking I Gave M'self After Having Sat Through That Crap

Now, i was never too keen on seeing this on B'way, but the kid in me wanted to seeing something that harkened back to the old days...the sound of musics...the west side stories...ya know, the classics. Chicago: The Movie...not even worth watching on HBO, The Phantom of the Opera: The Movie--No Michael Crawford?? Blasphemy. the last musical number i enjoyed was the ending to the 40 Year Old Virgin.

i should have stuck to my guts...Rent = La Boheme. La Boheme = Opera. Opera = Suckfest full of singing cows. next time you're at starbucks hanging out w/ your friends...sing your coffee order and then sing about how it's too hot and you burnt your tongue...then go operatic on 'em and aria about having to take a nasty dump b/c of too much said coffee. Well, that's this movie. you go to b'way, you can suspend disbelief somewhat b/c all the action is confined to the stage...take that and spread it out all over alphabet city, NYC (although chris "i can't believe i gave macauley culkin a career" columbus shot most of this in san francisco, or so i've read).

what you get is silliness...i started singing as i left the theater about how we need to go to borders and buy physics for dummies and sang about how i saw a really crappy movie and apologized to the sexy one for taking her...takes ya to a completely different place doesn't it? i dare you to try it...and then after all your friends have left you, or have committed suicide...then you will have lived Rent: The Movie. Although, the subject matter is paramount, i just couldn't get into it at all...i'm thinking, ok, they're singing about lighting a candle...ooops, it went out, i ran out of matches, and i'm singing now about how i totally want to have sex w/ you but you have my smack and that's more important right now than you.

Overall, I liked it.

Depeche Mode 2.0

Please refer to my entry in october for a setlist...but add the following:

Just Can't Get Enough
Everything Counts
Question of Lust
Never Let Me Down Again

does the MSG show beat the up close and personal show at the Bowery...i was in section 311...what do you think???

i did enjoy it though...the above songs from the encore was worth it. plus they always put on a good show. Talk about your trip through memory lane...De can verify how long ago was Music for the Masses w/ the Concert for the Masses being the first concert i'd ever been Jones Beach. i believe i was 15...yikes.

Just waiting for Belle and Sebastian to make their way back over the pond...Nan, you can't escape this have to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god i miss 9th grade. ok, not so much.