Tuesday, August 22, 2006

So i don't feel like blogging...

but i'm here nonetheless. OK, so first off, Skaneateles Lake...here are some pics from that awesome weekend.

Saw some movies...here's the lowdown.

Talladega Nights: See it if you're into that kind of thing. Me, I had a ball. Cracked m'self up somethin' fierce.

Little Miss Sunshine: Funniest movie I've seen this year. Will it make you pee yourself. Yes, yes it will.

The Descent
: By far, one of the scariest movies I've seen in a long time...and it wasn't entirely b/c of the monsters. Go see it, you'll see.

The Devil Wears Prada
: I really enjoyed it. Meryl really brings the whole "less is more" performance of said Prada wearer. and I tolerated Anne Hathaway...but that dude from Entourage is in it, which kinda annoyed me, b/c he shaves his unibrow.

Pirates 2, Electric Bugaloo: Too much fun. It's why you go to the movies.

Clerks 2: Part of that whole really funny, I need a bedpan b/c I'm wet now category. 2 words: Interspecies Erotica

on the to do list: Snakes on a motherf---ing Plane!, The Descent again! (b/c Sexy hasn't seen it yet), Miami Vice! woo hoo!!

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