Monday, January 07, 2008

Nancy's DO-athalon!!

Only because there is no "Try".

Nancy has joined up with Team in Training to participate in a triathalon. Here's what she has to say:

Racing to Save Lives

I am training to participate in a Olympic distance triathlon (.9 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 6.2 mile run). Crazy, I know! As a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training we are raising funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives. I'm completing this event in honor of all individuals who are battling blood cancers. These people are the real heroes on our team, and we need your support to cross the ultimate finish line - a cure!

Please make a donation to support my participation in Team In Training and help advance the Society's mission.

I hope you'll visit my web site often. Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress. Thanks for your support! Wish me luck and a prayer too:}

So if you can please donate by clicking the link above, if you can't contribute monetarily please pass the information along to your friends who may want to help out with a good cause.

BUT COME ON!!!! IT'S THE SEXY ONE!!!! How can you not give!!!


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