Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Heaven's gate on Earth, repent NOW!!

Lo and behold!! now looky here...so i'm just walking w/ the jubster to pick up some pastries and some groceries for dinner...and what do i come across?? they had knocked the walls from the blessed beer garden and put up this beautiful gate in it's place!! we must be there for the grand opening. Heaven, truly, is a place on Earth...you were right Belinda.

so i went to see NIN last nite at the Hammerstein. friggin' awesome. i even liked the opening band, the dresden dolls, though they actually sound better live than on the CD sampler i just acquired. so i got felt up, such is usual at concerts and also mr. david bowie himself was sitting behind us. i don't think he saw me, b/c he just got up and left after the show. annoying fact: NIN have the ugliest female fanbase. 1 out of every 200 females, would be categorized as somewhat attractive. 3 out of 10000 were characterized as hot. Henry was right...the cure have hotter fans. then again, robert smith is not gay buff like trent reznor. looks like trent traded in his heroin for a bowflex--the dude was friggin' huge...but like i said, not like some guy who goes to gym...this is a guy who goes to crunch, in chelsea and spends most of his time in the showers (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

here's a sneak peek at the week:
wednesday: dinner for the nan
thursday: doves at webster hall (!)
friday: snow patrol at the roseland
saturday: U2 at the garden

feel free to envy me.


Simone said...

he's not gay!

(not that there's anything wrong with it)

Never A Dull Moment said...

How bout you feel free to envy me as I have McDonald's for lunch today...