Sunday, May 15, 2005 i feel like writing something...and it's only b/c i'm still drunk, and my stomach i'm watching van wilder. yes, steve...yes, pater...i bought it for like 8 bux on friday and am now enjoying it's family message...i'm never eating eclairs again. did i mention i'm quite drunk? write this down...never ride in ron's POS he calls a car again. i had the will to hold in the stomach chunks for the 1 hour ride home from jersey. BTW, i won the 1st poker game but then placed 3rd the next 2...but i'm not bitter. but i digress, so the rocky ride in that dumbass car...all i can say is, stay away from the tan garbage can for the next week or know when you throw up so bad, that it comes out your nose too? man, i'm never drinking beer again...just gonna stick to the hard liquor. so this week coming up is concert week...we're talking NIN, doves, snow patrol and that order. i hope i have the stamina. my fingers are crossed to see if i can win free coldplay tix for tuesday and possibly those free starwars tix too...i don't plan on sleeping this week. nice.

ok, so hopefully i'll feel better in the morn and i can climb and christen the new sneakers with a nice run. gotta go...this dude is taking a muchos dumpos in a wastebasket.

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