Friday, June 10, 2005

Music Baton

OOOOH...what a fun game this is!!!

1. The person who passed the baton to you:
Simmy Bo-Bimmy

2. Total volume of music files on your computer:
b/c i am currently ipodless...15.27GB on cassie dee...another 30GB on an external harddrive. i have lot's of music...i like it very much. it makes me very happy to listen to.

3. The title and artist of the last CD you bought:
uhhhh...i think it was final straw by snow patrol when i was in LA last summer

4. Song playing at the moment of writing:
Golly Sandra by Eisley

5. Five songs you have been listening to of late or all-time favorites, or particularly personally meaningful songs
Songs that I've been listening to recently:

"Obscurity Knocks" by the Trash Can Sinatras
"Say Hello to the Angels" by Interpol
"Careful" by Guster
"Caught by the River" by Doves
"From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea" or "Pictures of You" or "Play for Today" by the Cure, at any given time

I can go on and on...OK, "Chocolate" by Snow Patrol

who's gets the baton next?

You're it Steeeeve

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