Sunday, June 05, 2005

DAGNABIT!! is it really really hot outside or am i just getting hot flashes as i enter my twilight years into menopause. that's right tomorrow i am practically a senior citizen...just like my friends Deirdre and Simone...and Jo...who technically is the youngest but was way older than us since high school. jubei and i are dying here in the apartment, thank god the AC is already in, i'll be cranking up this baby in a couple o' minutes. tried to the active outdoor thing, but the body was like, "dude, who are you frikkin kidding?" but went back to the whole climbing thing after a 1 1/2 week hiatus...and yes, i'm in pain. but one more week until DR...woo hoo!! what to do? it's a big step for me...going w/ the nan---never did the whole going away w/ the gf before. but nan is probably the most different from all the plethora of that she's sane and normal and officially the best thing that has happened to me apart from europe...but i digress. so what's gonna stop me from non stop excitement w/ my number lady...nada, (that's spanish for "nothing"---i'm practically bi-lingual!!!) that's what!! i hope i don't have the same digestive problems that the Simster had when they went a couple o' weeks back...but i will b/c it's one of my fave pastimes...gonna costco the immodium!! any of that cipro left???


Simone said...

I do actually have another dose. Do you wanna take with you? Lemme know.

Poopies are fun.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! woo!