Thursday, August 18, 2005

There are still a few of us who care so i'll mention it now. Morrissey is coming out w/ a new album!! for the uninitiated...Morrissey was the frontman for one of the greatest bands ever to grace this planet...the smiths. This is coming from NME

Someone needs to tell me why i've been so damned tired already!! i've been so lazy and unmotivated lately.

So the latest issue of Premiere has the 20 most overrated movies of all time.

2001: A Space Odyssey (nice to look at, but it's so damn slow, you're in REM stage in the 1st 1/2 hour),
A Beautiful Mind (i agree---what was so great about this movie?? crazy math dude, finds new math equations that only the continent of Asia will find fascinating)
An American in Paris (can't say i saw it)
American Beauty (i disagree, though the plastic bag thing is pretentious)
Chariots of Fire (what a snoozer)
Chicago (why did this win oscars??)
Clerks (i'm sorry the first time i saw this in college, i pee'd m'self--m'be cause i saw it for free)
Easy Rider (never saw it, never found it relevant)
Fantasia (my past self will come to the future to hunt me down--but yeah, i can no longer watch this movie, not even as a sleep aid)
Field of Dreams (Field of Crap)
Forrest Gump (Proof that Tom sold his soul to the devil)
Gone With the Wind (TOTALLY DISAGREE)
Good Will Hunting (i think we can only say this in retrospect, knowing what we know now about those chicks Ben and Matt)
Jules and Jim (huh?)
Monster's Ball (hey, any movie that's got halle naked---can never be overrated)
Moonstruck (you would need to staple my eyes open to sit through this a 1st time!!!)
Mystic River (figured that out from the trailer)
Nashville (Next!!!)
The Red Shoes (if i was in film school--i'd ask for my money back)
The Wizard of Oz (hey! when you're 6, this movie is pretty cool)

man, there are so many others i'd put!! I have to confess...Star Wars except for Empire, should be on there...go ahead, kill me now. Titanic, Shrek (both), Passion of the Christ (TWO WORDS: snuff film), Saving Private Ryan (just the give me the 1st 30 min please), Dances with Wolves (working title: Gouges One's Eyes Out), more recently Crash (a plot as thin as that girl from growing pains), War of the Worlds (show me people that actually liked this movie, b/c i haven't met any...yet, "the critics agree" and it makes a gazillion dollars--how many scientologists are there out there?) OF COURSE---GLADIATOR!! (my hatred for this movie is only exceeded by my hatred for Van Morrisson).

Radiohead lost their record contract w/ EMI??!?!?!!? Thom has written entries on a blog called Dead Air Space...the post was taken off but here's snippet: "we have no record conntract.
as such.
any offers?..what we would like is th e old EMI back again, the nice genteel arms manufacturers who treated music a nice side project who werent to bothered about the shareholders. ah well
not much chance of that....."

damn me for not starting a record company!!

That eisley show was really good...those girls' voices are hypnotic and despite a really crappy sound crew they put on a great performance...had to leave 10 min early b/c it was getting late for the sexy one...but it's enough to leave me wanting for more. oh and i think my co-worker might be in this band...they all look like her...and the band name is an anagram of her name?? hmm....interesting.

Friday is coming...tell your friends.

40 year old virgin...go see it. stars the retarded weatherman from Anchorman!!! GREAT ODIN'S HAMMER!!!


Anonymous said...

called the woman named TH from employee compensation yesterday. i gave her a piece of my mind. im all types of pissed off. the delay of the 8/05 3% pay increase was delayed secondary to the payroll program switch to PEOPLESOFT, im sure you got that letter also.
this delay is staff wide for our department.
as for the 9/04 retro, that is delayed because of "no paperwork was received from the affiliation."
i must investigate further.

Simone said...