Friday, September 02, 2005

My Two Cents

Frankly, i am so sickened by the coverage of the whole Katrina tragedy that it really distracts from my sympathy for those who were lost and the lives of the suffering in the hurricane's wake. The true tragedy is the impotence of our government, on both a local and federal level to take the proper steps in preventing or lessening the loss of life. property damage. looting. there is chance of recovery from that. the deaths of all those people could have been less profound, maybe in prevented if we heeded our oracles. our technology affords us the kind of foresight to be proactive in these situations, we have an entire tv channel devoted to the weather for chrissakes!!!!. two words: Doppler Radar. we knew at least 2 weeks in advance that the damn thing was coming?!?!?! even from last year's hurricane season, weather experts extrapolated the kind of damage stronger hurricane's would inflict were one to arise. it's cassandra syndrome at it's worst. is this "Our Tsunami"? "The Next 9/11"? these are tragedies that blindsided everyone, the warning signs not as blatant...the fact is after all the donations from rock stars, corporations, you and me...we hear crickets chirping from the white house. i'm sorry, flying over the damage and photo ops handing out food doesnt count. camel + straw(bush) = camel with sciatica...our beloved president is leaving a legacy of shame and embarrasment for our country...he is our Nero and i'm beginning to smell smoke.

oh yeah, by the way...1000 people in iraq were trampled to death when theats of a supposed suicide bomber loomed...but you wouldn't know that as it was a blip on CNN and other news channels...don't US interests lie there as well? where's the red cross? where's the Bush press conference commenting on the tragedy of our new allies? oh that's right...he can't even act on tragedies in his own country, plus it doesn't involve oil.

i bet that if the areas hit were petrol-rich...bush would have built a giant window so he could close it on really breezy days, and everyone would be safe and sound.

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