Sunday, October 02, 2005

First Ever Wedding Proposal via Search Engine

Young Nerds in Love

Gone be the days of the rose petals on the bed, candlelit dinners, moonlight serenades and in recent years, the billboard...i m'self had an idea of a scavenger hunt for a wedding proposition. behold, this young chap, Barry...seeing as the klingon mating ritual was already used by his co-worker cubemate to propose to that 6th level cleric maiden from his Everquest guild...why not google it? or in this case, ask jeeves.

in response, Yisha (valkyrie-bride-to-be) placed him (an 8th level barbarian prophet of the Dragonchow guild) in deathmatch against a horde of Beserkers from the Diablo Guild, which included her best friends, Hylacineria and CaidyKat, Cecil Jablonsky and Harriet Mussledorf, respectively to win her acceptance proposal. After a grueling battle, Artagus Orcsbane, ne' Barry, casted a Force of Trusik's Rage, to vanquish said foes and win the hand of Warrior Princess, Yisha.

The wedding is set for the 5th of May, 2006, incidentally the anniversary the two first met at a Babylon 5 convention, at the Medieval Times in Schaumburg, IL. they are registered at Planet Comics and at the Halfing Hodgepodge Bazaar, an Everquest online store.

This would be the 1st marriage for them both. Barry has gotten as far as 2nd base with a female, accidentally brushing up against Yisha's breastplate at a Guild Dance-a-thon. Yisha, however, is not a stranger to the ways of the beast with 2 backs, as she has bartered favors for Dragonscale armor and a Flaming Sword of Udun providing a "Happy Ending" to Barry's friend, Josh, a 7th level Enchanter from the Champions of Norrath guild.

read more | digg story

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