Thursday, January 19, 2006

A hat-trick of mini-reviews or how i'm just not in the mood to write but feel obligated to because nobody else seems to be updating.

OK, let's start w/ the Matador

Pierce Brosnan, a treat to watch who had more hooker metaphors than a....ummm...hooker who...ummm...had....a Master's in English...or Poetry...or something, where i'm just trying to say that Pierce Brosnan's character was liberal w/ his use of hookers.

Overall, an enjoyable experience...had a nice twist. All I can say is that Richard Shepard, the director of this film...wish he was Wes Anderson.

Go see it.

Next! Match Point, Woody Allen's latest...

What a great movie! had paced itself so well that the sexy N and I were bracing each other in suspense of what was coming next. she liked it a lot more than me, b/c scarlett johannsen annoys her b/c SJ looks like jessica biel, who annoys her even more. plus, i've realized that i may like jonathan rhys meyers b/c i've seen like almost all his movies.

Woody, wants to be Hitchcock and Adrian Lyne...and it works.

See this one too.

Lastly, Underworld: a sneak peek of this a couple o' hours ago thanks to the villagevoice

Man, to say this is a far superior movie to the first one, isn't saying much. in fact, i down right hated this movie when i saw it at the local multiplex. but it drew me in once it hit HBO, for some reason, i started to enjoy it and was quite entertained the 9-10 times i've seen it.

but this sequel, wow how entertaining was it? i didn't pay for it, so i enjoyed it 10-fold...half nudie shots of kate beckinsdale helps...and lots of blood, guts and dismemberments to whet the senses.

OK, so a glimpse of the director's, Len Wiseman, research for the sequel...

DAY 1:...watched Blade, the Matrices, The Hunger, the Kill Bills, Black Hawk Down, Alien(s), that Van Helsing movie wifey was in, and Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula plus bits and pieces of every werewolf and vampire movie ever made.

DAY 2: Shooting starts. Got me wife (Kate B.) into that skin tight leather outfit (which got more mileage after the first movie...if you knowwotimean, wink, wink...) and the tanker truck filled with fake blood accidentally spilled onto my problem, always bound to be setbacks.

DAY 15: That guy who plays Kraven, i know he looks like Jason Patric in lost boys but the acting lessons are getting no where, and he's more like Jason Patric in Speed 2...thank god, he's not gonna be here that long.

ok, nitey nite.

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