Tuesday, February 28, 2006

bah, buh-buh-ba, bah, buh-buh-ba, baby...don't for-get--to be--born today.

and in the tradition of milli vanilli,---today, on the 28th, the last day of February, in the year of our lord twenty hundred and six at 7:19AM PST, the velvetde and her lord, Eric have a new addition to the Foreign Embassy.

born today is Rory Claire Kurzenburger, 7lbs. 14 oz, with blond hair, blue eyes and all.

and just like her Gilmore counterpart, she will be going to Yale and talking at lightning speeds; conversation laced with pop culture references galour!!

congrats to the new parents.

and realize the that the picture is just a placeholder until a suitable one can be put into place.

that is, in fact, not a real baby.

1 comment:

Simone said...

Yey congratulations!!!