Wednesday, March 01, 2006

man, nothing fascinates me more than this.

ever since kirk douglas was fighting one onboard the Nemo's Nautilus, i've been totally obsessed with Giant Squid...yes, sharks frighten me, but once one of these bad boys get a taste of man flesh, then i'll definitely be staying poolside.

unfortunately, London's got this bad boy on display, asking artist, Damien Hirst, known for a piece with a dead cow and babe sliced in half preserved in formaldyhyde, for some techniques on being able to both display and study it.

and only now do i find out that there's even a bigger friggin' squid out there...a Colossal Squid
how big you say? the body alone is bigger than one of London's double decker buses...only adolescent C-squids have been caught and dead ones at that, so the full size is just an estimate. and these bad boys have a much larger beak, and teeth that can spin 360!!! this thing would rip your arms off faster than a dress on prom night!!

makes you wonder why we're wasting money on a space program when there is so much we still need to learn about from our oceans...

we got friggin' sea monsters, man!!!

thank you for indulging in my geek tendencies.

1 comment:

Simone said...

I, too, am fascinated with these giant squid. Never heard about the colossal. Looks like giant sperm.