Saturday, June 04, 2005


so what a letdown GA was this morn...due to the inclement weather and apparent mechanical difficulties plaguing the damn ride...the kingda ka didn't open until late afternoon and when it did, there was a 5-6 hour wait...the powers that be at GA put up a nice little sign saying that not even the almighty QBot (regular AND gold) could guarantee a spot on the sacred ride. and can i just say, that it looks pretty damn scary...i mean i did the virtual tour on the web, got all excited...then you look at the damn thing, it's really big...tall and long...i mean it has that frikkin' light beacon on top of it so planes don't hit it. i looked at the triboro bridge by my must be just as high. so i made a bad choice and didn't front the 12 bux to come back b/c i was quite bummed...but i realized that i could have called in sick again or something on my birfday and just took a ride out just to ride that damn thing. wonder what the nan (the super sexy babe that she is) got me for my bday? let's pray for ipod...not that it matters and i'm just a materialistic bitch. but i'm getting off the point...

the kingda ka remains elusive.

but Nitro...always worth it! the best ride there.

next to the teacups.


Simone said...
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Simone said...

YOU FOOL! You should ALWAYS get the twicket to go back. You KNOW you'll be back to ride this beast.

And yes, Nitro is the best ride ever. So far.