Tuesday, July 26, 2005

So i ran yesterday until i was going to throw up.

Another Alan Moore comic is heading for the big screen. The first book to hit was The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which was so bad, it angered me to the point where i kicked my dog very hard. ok, so i didn't kick the jubster...but it equates to my feelings. Now they've brought in Mr. "There's a billion of me in the Matrix" Smith and bald yet still attractive Natalie Portman for V for Vendetta. I won't give away the storyline...but it's a cool idea in a future "what if Britain lost in WWII and the Germans took over" type movie that we've seen over and over again. It was a good book, which means it will be a terrible movie...but still...who knows. The greatest sacrilege, of course, will be the big screen version of Alan's Watchmen. This was a movie that Terry Gilliam (the one man who could possibly pull it off, and maybe Pete Jackson) said could never be filmed, b/c of it's complexity. which means that this version will be so dumbed down, we'll be shitting ourselves and eating it.

The Next Batch:

74. I have a scar on my side where my mom stabbed me with a scissor once.

73. I have another scar on my boob where I was bitten by a child.

72. My friends and I (when we were kids) once tied a kid to a telephone pole and threw his bike into the woods.

71. Another friend and I (kids, again) used to sneak into the woods, where the dirtbags hung out...and shouted obscenities at them and throw rocks--they would chase us into the woods and we would duck into my friend's backyard and listen to their death threats. hee, hee.

70. I hate peanut butter.

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