Wednesday, July 27, 2005

You remember when you were a kid and you went to the video store...we're talking pre-Blockbuster...where you can get any movie that was on video and they had those saloon doors where they had all the porn, watching all those pervs pretending to walk in accidentally...i spit on your grave or the gates of hell or even the first Evil Dead...all those great laughs, giving you that warm feeling inside, knowing that the world is a better place...and that there are no evil demons or rapists coming to get you and eat your insides.

that's how i felt today after catching...


Movie Review!!

That's right folks, i just saw The Devil's Rejects. and OH BOY!! does it take me back. where i felt that the violence was so real, it made me laugh b/c i was so uncomfortable with it. violence nowadays, so cartoony! leaves me numb and bored. i'm so glad that ole' robby zombie is able to channel all those funny little films from back in the day. the violence so gritty, so many uncomfortable emotions ranged from a slight chuckle to a boisterous cackle!! good thing there were only like 5 other people in there. you know it's good when the Sexy Nancy has to cover her eyes thru 1/2 the movie b/c she couldn't take it anymore...she said that it disturbed her like no other movie...THAT'S A SEAL OF APPROVAL IF I EVER HEARD ONE!!! and you don't even have to suffer thru that first salty diarrhea of a film House of 1000 Corpses to enjoy this one!! what sets it apart from other crap nowadays is the gratuitous boobies and the unabashed use of fake blood for no apparent reason than to show how these psychos will kill anybody...just because they can. and then there is the policeman who is schizo b/c his bro died in the first movie and sticks his knife into people's privates and nails people to's so great...classic stuff. i'll be buying this one on dvd for sure.

Let me give it 5 buckets of stale day old vomit out 6 buckets of chunky blood and entrails with an eyeball thrown in there and it's the juicy kind when you bite into it.

Now where was I????

69. I used to keep a baby rabbit fetus in a came from a fresh roadkill in front of my house.

68. There's an episode of Winnie the Pooh that gets me emotional whenever I see it....which is why i avoid it at all costs.
yes. i have it on video.

67. I had a near death experience, walking out into the street b/wn 2 cars and a van drove by...any second sooner and i'd be roadkill and someone would put me in a vial.

66. I stabbed a kid with a pencil on the bus once. the kid tried to touch my private place down there...i told him to stop and he wouldn't, so i stabbed him. yes. i think the cops came to my house for that one too.

65. My first kiss was from a girl in 3rd grade during spin the bottle...she was bigger than me. then again, i was a most humans were bigger than me.


Anonymous said...

I did the same as #66 the kid touched my booty so I stabbed him in the ear. Guess we do have some things in common

Anonymous said...

i'm disturbed by so many things in this post, i can't even begin. and i'm your best friend. on the bright side, i got 7th row seats for interpol in sept!