Sunday, January 16, 2005

RE: "Bloggy McBlogster where are you?"

Dear Simone007:

I am responding to your Friday, January 14th 2005 post on your world wide web correspondence log. I deeply apologize for being remiss on reporting my daily accounts on BM. Had I known that you would have reacted so adversely to the lapse in entries, I would have certainly been more attentive to your needs and the needs of those who count on these entries for respite.

The birdfeeder is out, don't be shy...

With Sincerest Regret,

Bloggy McBlogster, Lt. Esq. (Mrs.)

OK, so the big news of the hour is that my cholesterol count is higher than 76 y/o morbidly obese smokers at Sizzler nuzzling up to the spit shield over creamed spinach. What's the magic number you ask? 298. with my LDL count at 207

what does this mean? Here's a explanation from WebMD:


Probably the most familiar heart disease risk factor, cholesterol is a type of fat that is an essential nutrient for your body. However, too much cholesterol - or not enough of the good type of cholesterol -- floating around in your blood increases your risk for hardening of the arteries that can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Cholesterol is considered abnormal when:

Total cholesterol is 200 mg/dL or higher.

HDL or "good" cholesterol level is less than 40 mg/dL

LDL or "bad" cholesterol is 160 mg/dL or higher -- with 190 and above being very high.

However, the lower the LDL, the better. An LDL less than 100 is considered optimal; 100 to 129 is near optimal; 130 to 159 is borderline high.

So consider me, as one of the undead, b/c blood ain't flowin' through me like it's supposed to and cannot be killed by conventional means. I gave blood last month and it was dripping into that bag like molasses. The process took nearly 3 hours. But I did get this really cool mug that stirs your drink for you.

Of course, I've just come back from having dim sum at East Manor in Flushing this morn. And we know how healthy all the food is there. I haven't hung out with Steve and Karen for a bit so I was there for the social scene...and when in Rome, of course! I was going to go to the gym today but it's really, really, cold out and Nancy's coming over so there won't be time. Dr. LeBeau, a really cool doc, would like me to go back to the gym 3-5x/wk. No real problem, but I think I'll have to do some drug intervention as well. And the worst part is I'll have to lay off the sauce for a long time, as I also have what doc calls a "fatty liver". Not good.

1 comment:

Simone said...

apology accepted. But only because I pity you Mr Foie Gras.

I'm glad you went to the Dr and I'm glad you (hopefully) will get on the ball and take care of yourself. You fatty bastard you.