Sunday, October 16, 2005

T-Mobile's Employee of the Month: Kelly Clarkson!!

Man, pictures off of a cellphone SUCK!! so i channelled my inner 12 year old fangirl and took in a kelly clarkson concert w/ my babysitter nancy (who as a 'tweeny girl, i'm strangely attracted to). i was a bit heated at first b/c they changed the venue from the hammerstein to the theatre at MSG across the seat and gave us seats instead of general admission...but i guess sitting is ok at my old age. many a teenage girl and men who are "judy garland/cher fans" were present. and i hate to say it, but can that girl put on a show...unlike her popstar idolesque counterparts: britney, jessica, ashley--who require costume changes, elaborate sets and dance numbers to make up for a lack of talent...that white girl can sing!! if she wasn't a corporate puppet for cellphones and chained to her contract w/ american idol, she could almost be a legitimate artist. i admit that i enjoyed m'self...but not enough to attract one of the boyfriends rubbing up against me.


Simone said...

Good times. I hear Hanson is getting back together for a reunion tour. Should I count you in?


Anonymous said...

there are no words...