Sunday, July 17, 2005

So 2 parties were attended this weekend. first off, Henry of Hot Monkey fame had his (100 - 60)th birthday. It was atop the La Quinta Inn in beautiful mid/koreatown Manhattan. I believe it's the most people to ever attend the secret hotspot...and good time had by all. my apologies to Mattchew for chasing away his potential "lova". and i am happy to say that i am nan's best publicist as she is now know in certain circles as "Sexy Nancy". please update your records accordingly.

The second party was in the exotic land of Jersey City, home of the HOt Monkey, where SN and I visited our coworkers for a nice indian meal (think, more gandhi less geronimo). which was spectacular. they have a real nice place, which makes me miss my old jersey apt...but i digress. we had fun with some of our other coworkers and SN's friend who managed to invite herself late in the week. i think i would like to throw a dinner party or something of that sort...but maybe my apt's too small or something.

i rearranged my room again, SN said that she had thought to mention it to me but i read her mind and i think the new arrangement is a lot more fung shooey allowing some good chee to come in and give me some luck.

In other news...

Murphy the dog, or the pet formerly known as My first dog, will be coming to astoria, queens to visit for a week. The blessed event is the second for the canine, the first being in 2003, where she came for the day to browse the woodly surroundings and urinated accordingly. the reason for the visit is that her current owner, known amongst long island socialites as "Mom" is going to florida, hopefully to find a nice place to retire, for the week. there are rumours amidst that astorian canine sovereign Jubei and Murphy have had a tumultuous past, having lived under the same roof many years ago. but jubei has made a statement welcoming his former compatriot to his lovely kingdom and looks forward to "catching up" with her.

1 comment:

H3NR7 said...

Thanks for coming Sexy Celvyn and Sexier Nancy. I loved the clever card you made me. That's a lot of effort you put into it. It was all sticky.